Viagra – What Every User Should Know

Suffering from erectile dysfunction, widely known as impotence, everyone strives to receive an immediate effect and an extended action. Since its launch in 1998, Viagra has revolutionized the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Erectile Dysfunction and its Main Triggers

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent and distressing male health problem. The most telling signs and symptoms of this condition are difficulty developing a firm enough erection for sex and keeping the erection firm throughout intercourse. However, in some men, it can also manifest through reduced sexual desire, especially when depression is to blame. Erectile dysfunction can be triggered by both physical and psychological factors, including the following:

  • Age: the risk of ED tends to increase with advancing age, with 77.5% of men aged 75 and older being affected by this condition.
  • Lifestyle choices: unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, poor diet, and lack of sleep can contribute to erectile dysfunction by hurting cardiovascular health and blood flow – crucial components of a healthy erection.
  • Preexisting health issues: ED is more common in men diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, both of which damage blood vessels and nerves, limiting the body’s ability to respond effectively to sexual arousal.
  • Psychological problems: stress, anxiety, and depression can all disrupt the brain’s communication with the body, leading to difficulties in initiating erections.

These often work together, making the diagnosis and treatment more complicated. Through a comprehensive medical assessment, a qualified physician can find out the underlying reasons behind ED and suggest the most suitable treatment strategy that, apart from PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra, can also involve lifestyle changes, psychological counseling, or other therapies to improve the condition.

When is Viagra Prescribed?

Viagra is prescribed to men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED), which is when individuals struggle to achieve or keep erections. Talking to a doctor before starting Viagra can provide a skilled evaluation of the patient’s health, help uncover true ED causes, and determine if the medicine is a suitable treatment option for a specific individual, considering risks, contraindications, and other possible issues. Taking Viagra recreationally or without proper medical guidance is strictly unadvised, as it can dangerously interact with certain drugs and may have adverse effects in some cases.

Composition and Mechanism

Viagra contains sildenafil citrate, which is a drug in the class of vasoactive agents called phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5 inhibitors). The drugs in this pharmacological group promote relaxation of the smooth muscles in the penile bodies (corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiousum). This is achieved thanks to selective inhibition of PDE5 and the release of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which is a precursor of nitric oxide (NO). Both cGMP and NO are associated with improved blood flow, which means improved erectile function when it is restored in the genitals. Since the enzyme PDE5 is predominantly found in the penis, the effect of the drug is almost limited to the pelvic area.

Sildenafil restores the natural erectile mechanism, which however needs to be triggered by actual sexual stimulation. In the absence of a sexual context, the drug will not trigger an erection, since it does not affect a person’s libido.

Another benefit of sildenafil in the composition of Viagra is that it shortens down the period required for sexual recharge (refractory time), and somewhat dampens the sensitivity of the glans. This does not prevent the man from enjoying the sensations brought by sexual intercourse, but it helps to last longer during the activity. Viagra can thus help with the problem of premature ejaculation, which is also often linked to ED and performance anxiety.

How Long Does the Effect Last?

Viagra’s effects typically last between 4 and 6 hours. However, this duration can vary based on individual metabolism, the dosage taken, and specific circumstances in which the medication is used. Thus, it might be possible to extend the action of Viagra if the patient is rested physically and emotionally comfortable, takes the drug on an empty stomach, and does not consume alcohol.

Beginner Viagra users must know that the medication does not trigger erections by itself. Instead, it enhances the ability to achieve and maintain one when the man is sexually aroused, meaning sexual stimulation is necessary for this drug to take effect.

Potential Side Effects

Both brand-name and generic Viagra offer outstanding advantages to their users, but, as is with any other medicinal drug, it is important to know about possible side effects. These could include headaches, a flushed face, a stuffed or runny nose, stomach upset, and changes in color vision. These effects are not usually dangerous and do not last long. If they keep going or become worse, patients should stop using the medication and get in touch with the doctor who prescribed it.

The more dangerous side effects of Viagra are sudden loss of vision or hearing, prolonged and painful erections, strong allergic reactions, chest pains, severe dizziness, and fainting. Patients experience these symptoms in very rare cases, but if they do, seeking immediate medical help is necessary.


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